Sunday, November 17, 2019

Stepping Stones

What a wonderful world

It's wise to keep your dancing shoes at hand, to move gracefully through the whirlwind that life can unleash around you. It helps keep your wonderful world, if not intact, at least in sight.

In April, Dambara and I followed our mason bees to Camano Island. That's another story for another time. The stepping stones that led us here glowed with a divine brilliance, leaving no doubt that we were dancing in the right direction, hearing a true song. From one day to the next, we went from pondering where to live, to suddenly, happily, packing our boxes and heading north.

Now, in November, the pieces are taking shape, this wonderful world is coalescing, coming into focus, and here we are, creating a safe haven for devotees to come together amidst beauty, to live a simple life, a life pleasing to God.

We bought a house on Camano Island. And not just any house. A neglected, dilapidated house, sitting on five acres of abandoned beauty, a house that was really more dog kennel than home,
Neglected and forlorn
with a couple of people finishing this stage of their karma in this house. I admit to a lot of trepidation because the house was so abhorrent. I tiptoed through and left as soon as possible. Awful.

But divine stepping stones glowing brilliantly give one great confidence and courage. We bought the house without hesitation. And, as I said, not just any house. This house sits strategically in the missing corner of Ananda Farm Camano Island, filling in the fourth quadrant of a twenty-acre square. The stepping stones led us here, and what a glorious path it's been.

With enormous help from many friends and their willing hands, we've torn out carpet, ripped up flooring, replaced rotting and moldy subfloors and drywall, installed beautiful vinyl floors, taken out walls, added walls, painted walls, replaced every screen, window shade, counter top, and even the electrical covers.
Painting party

Friends bring joy and helping hands

And what is emerging is a place of beauty.

A chandelier for the pantry
A splash of coral
Every step forward has been a victory. Every ousting of filth and disintegration, every installation of light and color, lifted the energy. Haven West is exuding a nurturing, welcoming glow, an extension of the stepping stones that brought us here.

The stepping stones have been delightful, filled with friends, laughter, amazement, and always, a deep joy.

Running water. Clear, running water. Clear, hot, running water. Every step a victory.

Water warriors

Heat. Clean windows. Solid floors. Colorful walls. Whimsy. Creativity. Friendship.

by Surana
It's a wonderful world.

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