Monday, November 18, 2019

Moving Through the Day

Your day

It really doesn't matter what you do with your day. It can be a day of errands, driving here, then there. It might be a day of projects, accomplishing this, then that. Perhaps it will be a day of reflection, of gazing at trees, gently walking through the meadow, or curling up under a soft blanket. A day of cooking. Tidying. Preparation.

Joyful pink lady

Use joy

It really doesn't matter what you do with your day. What matters is the quality of the energy that you're able to bring into the activities. If you can move through your day with joy, then it doesn't matter what you do. If you can't access any joy, then it also doesn't really matter what you do with your day.

And yet, I find that it helps to start the day with something I love to do, giving joy room to build, and then the circle can feed itself. Priming the pump. Writing can prime the pump, bringing me into the present and connecting with an inner muse. If a more robust priming is needed, writing about gratitude consistently fills my heart with joy.

Use gratitude

A gratitude journal is a powerful thing. It can sit at your bedside, ready for you each morning. Set a supportive goal, and achievable goal. "I will write down three things for which I'm grateful." Give yourself a timeline. "I will write down those three things every day for a month." An idea, plus a commitment, plus a timeframe will transform a vision into a reality.

Gratitude begets gratitude. When I write down three things for which I'm grateful, more things occur to me. I usually end up filling the page with gratitude. The only rule is that each thing must be genuine, a real thing. "I'm grateful for the sun spilling across my desk." Because, if things are too generalized, they carry scant power. "I'm grateful for the kindness of strangers" might be a true thought, but is it my thought or simply a safe thought pulled from memory?

Daily tasks

Pay attention

How do you feel before you prime the pump? How do you feel after priming the pump? If it worked for you, your inclination will be to try it again tomorrow. If you pay attention to your inner reality, it will guide you toward that thing that is right for you to do.

Work with joy

Writing isn't for everyone. Maybe it's a crossword puzzle. Maybe it's brushing your cat. Maybe it's weeding in the garden, or phoning a friend. Make a list of things you love to do. Keep them in your consciousness. Diets work when they keep you aware of the quality and quantity of the food you eat. Keeping an awareness of the things that bring joy to your heart helps your heart stay open to the energy of joy.

Moving through the day

If you have joy in your heart, you'll move through your day with calmness, intuition will flow, obstacles will diminish. It's a worthwhile goal, and, it's an achievable one.

Create with joy

Take care of the moments, and the incarnations will take care of themselves. Paramhansa Yogananda

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