Saturday, December 7, 2019

Friend Tracks

Dambara delivered another batch of moving boxes a couple of days ago, and we've been going through them, finding new homes for our old stuff in our new home.


It's been a long process, when you realize that these boxes were packed mid-April, and here we are, almost mid-December. But, we had to buy a house and rebuild it between April and December, so there are defensible reasons for the long, unpacking process.

More stuff

It's nice to uncover things that we've done without for six months, like slippers and warm sweaters, bathroom pretties and teapots, but the thread that winds through it all, is friendship.

We're uncovering the tracks of our friends.

Because Dambara and I didn't pack these boxes. We left Oregon in a rush, and so we had a moving party. About a dozen friends descended one sunny Wednesday and packed our kitchen, office, library, closets, and moved boxes and shelving down to the garage, hoisted the TV down from the ceiling, coiled cables, and wrapped artwork.

Now, as we unpack each box, our friends essences are there, in the careful wrapping, the informative labeling, the secure taping, their kindness and support, their love and missing-you-already, drifts up out of each box, unfurls with each sheet of packing paper, glimmers as each cup goes into its new cupboard.

De-stuffed boxes
De-stuffed paper
I miss you all, and can't wait to see you again!

Love, Love, Love!


  1. As a couple who also had to move quickly last April, and without my ability to do much in the way of packing, due to my recovering from major surgery on my left arm, I can well sympathize and share in your feelings, and in particular, in the unpacking process, which, I may say, we are still doing, since our current domicile is and has been too small for us to store these boxes in an accessible manner. I wish you and Dambara well as you at last have the ability to resume your former lives.

  2. Thank you! It feels wonderful to be able to pick up some of the pieces of our lives that have been on the (packed-away) back burner for so much time. After years of retirement, we're beginning to see glimpses of how retired life might actually look.


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