Saturday, November 23, 2019

The Herb Shop

Our current, big project on the farm is upgrading the Herb Shop. The Herb Shop has been housed in the detached, two-car garage that is part of Haven House, so it's been around for quite some time, several years. This is where we make medicinal-herb products, candles, and soap, and dehydrate herbs and flowers. It's the product center for the farm.

Hailey, Paean, Niranjana, probably others, have been immersed in planning the upgrade for at least a year. The upgrade, basically, will turn the Herb Shop into a commercial kitchen. With a commercial kitchen, we'll be able to increase the number of products we offer at farmers' markets, and start officially to advertise farm suppers and offer food at farm events.

Wheelbarrows and strength
As with all projects, it starts with the basics. After finalizing the floor plan for equipment and work surfaces, tradesmen stepped in to install a new septic system, plumbing, and electrical. And, as with all projects, the preparatory steps leading up to the arrival of the tradesmen were extensive, including digging trenches for new water lines, cutting out channels from the existing cement floor, taking down plastic sheeting and insulation, all to make room for the new plumbing and electrical.

Now, deep breath, the tradesmen have packed up their tools and heavy equipment, moving on to their next job. A cement truck stopped by and, with wheelbarrows and impressive upper-body strength, we filled in the excavated channels in the cement floor and smoothed the new cement carefully, repeatedly, so it blends in wonderfully with the old cement.

Patience and perfection

The farmers have been putting back the insulation and plastic sheeting on ceilings and walls, all in preparation for a work party, yesterday and today. Friends dropped by to hoist drywall onto walls and ceiling, carefully cutting precise rectangles for electrical outlets and switches, then nailing the drywall in place.

Many hands
Have you ever worked with drywall? It's HEAVY! And its little corners are delicate, so you can't bump it against anything. But, many hands make a miracle, and at the end of the day yesterday, half the drywall was installed. Today, the project continues. At the end of today, we'll do whatever is next on the list, with mudding and taping being top contenders for Next. Then, there's sanding, painting, and cleaning, then moving in the equipment and work surfaces, then bringing in all of the supplies and inventory that have been crowding into the corners of Haven House and the Farmhouse for the past year.

We expect to have the new Herb Shop up and running by the first part of December.

Thus, our slow season on the farm continues, with building projects, mulching, holiday gift fairs, and study groups all nestling in, cheek by jowl.

Nighttime veranda

What a wonderful world.


  1. William was telling me about this over the phone today. It's an essential thing too long in coming, but Rome was not built in a day. And Ananda Farm has always been a "boot straps operation". Which I find very uplifting. It will get done. In incremental steps the Farm is BECOMING. What a treasure!

  2. Well said! Ananda Farm is BECOMING. Every step is truly a treasure.

  3. It really is! Hope you can come see it, soon. Happy Thanksgiving!


Farming with a Trowel

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